by Eleanor Dickinson

Kapish wins $4M deal with ACT govt

11 Jul 20222 mins
IT Management

Will help state government transition to a single cloud-based record management system.

Kapish has won a $4 million contract to transfer 5,800 ACT government users onto a single cloud-based record management system. 

Under a new whole-of-government three-year deal, the Citadel Group company will implement its Kapish Content Manager Cloud, with secure cloud capability underpinned by Micro Focus’ Content Manager. 

The project will migrate 10 separate existing data instances onto Kapish Content Manager Cloud, bringing business units that have traditionally operated separate systems together onto one cloud platform. 

According to Kapish, the solution will enable the ACT government to fully manage and maintain compliance and functionality across a suite of platforms.  

In doing so, it will support changes to work practices such as increased remote working and cross-location collaboration with a protected cloud-first approach. 

Kapish also works with CSIRO, Brisbane City Council, NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office and Yoorrook Justice Commission.

“This contract with the ACT government closely follows our significant information management contract with CSIRO, cementing our position as Canberra’s go-to enterprise information management partner,” said Stewart Hollingdrake, head of business development at Kapish.  

“We provide a cost-effective, low risk, proven system that underpins a modern workplace and delivers the best protection from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.”